
Garlic arrows for the winter: how to freeze conveniently and where to use

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
How to freeze garlic arrows. Source: Pexels

Arrows are the name given to garlic buds that have not opened. In order for the bulb to open, the arrows are cut off. But don't throw this part away, because it is very tasty and nutritious.

Daria, a food blogger with the nickname treskablog, shared her thoughts on how to freeze garlic arrows for the winter and what to cook with them on Instagram. The preparation is very versatile and can be used in many dishes.

Ingredients (the proportions are fairly conditional - it all depends on your taste preferences):

  • garlic arrows
  • dill
  • a few tablespoons of oil
  • a few pinches of salt

Method of preparation:

1. Sort and rinse the garlic arrows.

2. Combine with the rest of the ingredients.

3. Blend in a blender or grind in a meat grinder.

4. Put the resulting mass into ice cube trays.

5. Put in the freezer.

6. Put it into a bag.

How you can use the following workpiece

1. Add to porridge in winter.

2. Fry the chicken, add sour cream and 4-5 cubes.

3. Add to pies with phyllo dough.

Benefits of using when the lights go out

Make a small amount of such a preparation and you will see that even when it is thawed, you can find a use for such food. Without or after freezing, garlic arrows can be kept in the refrigerator for a week.

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