
Budget Lithuanian forshmak: what kind of fish is used

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Recipe for traditional Lithuanian forshmak. Source: Screenshot of chef.stepanova's Instagram post

In Ukraine, forshmak is traditionally made from herring. But if you're looking for a new and exciting flavor of this dish, you should try the Lithuanian version. Its main ingredient is smoked mackerel. It gives the dish a pleasant spicy flavor and a wonderful aroma.

The idea of cooking real Lithuanian forsmak is published on chef.stepanova's Instagram page.

Recipe for hearty Lithuanian mackerel forshmak


  • hot smoked mackerel - 1 pc
  • boiled eggs - 1 pc
  • medium apple - 1 pc
  • mustard
  • lemon juice
  • spices
  • greens, oil and vegetables for serving
Mackerel for the dish

Method of preparation:

1. Clean the mackerel and make fillet.

2. Put the egg, apple, fish, mustard and lemon juice in a blender bowl.

Apples for the dish

3. Beat everything to make the mass homogeneous.

4. Season with spices to bring out the flavor.

Beating the ingredients

5. Leave for a few hours to cool.

6. Garnish with seasonal herbs, vegetables and olive oil.

7. Serve with croutons and toast.

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