
Zucchini lasagna: a recipe for a light and budget dish

Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food
Lasagna with zucchini. Source: freepik

Zucchini can be the basis not only for pancakes and pancakes, but they also make a delicious salad, stew, and even lasagna.

What to cook with zucchini

The cook shared on Instagram a recipe for a very light and delicious zucchini lasagna with minced meat and cheese.

Zucchini lasagna


  • 2 onions (200-250 g)
  • 15-20 g of oil
  • 400 g of tomatoes (or tomatoes in their own juice)
  • salt, pepper, smoked paprika
  • 220 g of cheese (preferably mozzarella + hard cheese)
  • 500-600 g of minced meat (chicken or veal)
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 750 g of zucchini

Method of preparation:

1. Chop the onion and garlic, fry in vegetable oil for 3 minutes. Then add the minced meat, spices, mix everything and fry for 7 minutes. Add either tomatoes in their own juice or juicy tomatoes mashed in puree. Mix everything and simmer for another 7 minutes.

Minced meat

2. Thinly slice the zucchini.

Zucchini for the dish

3. Put a layer of zucchini in the baking dish, followed by a layer of meat, a layer of cheese, and a layer of zucchini.

How long to cook lasagna

Next, add zucchini, meat, and cheese again and bake in the oven at 180 C for 45 minutes.

Ready-made lasagna

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