
How to wash kitchen towels from grease, stains, and odors: top 5 best safe products

Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food
How to wash towels
How to wash towels

Kitchen towels are a must-have item in the kitchen. But very often they have to be discarded prematurely because of stubborn stains that seem impossible to remove. But with the help of the simplest home remedies, even the most difficult stains can be removed.

Kitchen towels

The FoodOboz editorial team has selected a list of safe home remedies to help you get rid of stains and unpleasant odors on towels.

How to wash kitchen towels

1. Citric acid

Citric acid will help remove oil and beet stains. Before doing this, be sure to wash the towels with laundry soap, and then pour citric acid on the contaminated areas and leave for 1 hour. Then wash the towels well in cold water.

Kitchen towels

2. Mustard powder

Put a mixture of mustard powder and water on the stains for several hours. Then wash the towels.

Clean towels for the kitchen

3. Potassium permanganate

Dissolve it in water, add laundry detergent, and pour the mixture into hot water. Soak the towels, leave them for a while, and wash them.

How to properly wash towels from stains

4. Laundry soap

Soap the stains on the towels with laundry soap, put them in a bag, and leave them for 12 hours. Then wash them.

5. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide

Mix 2 tbsp of peroxide with 5 liters of water and add a tablespoon of ammonia. Soak the towels in this solution for 6-8 hours, then wash them.

Clean towels

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