
How to make mayonnaise without oil and eggs: two options

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
How to make mayonnaise without oil and eggs. Source:

Lately, many housewives have been giving preference to homemade mayonnaise. It makes dishes much healthier. To make this sauce, a large amount of oil and eggs are traditionally used. But there are more budget-friendly and less fatty options.

The ideas for making two versions of mayonnaise without oil and eggs are published on the Instagram page of food blogger Dariia with the nickname smachno_z_darynoiu.

How to make mayonnaise without oil and eggs: two options

Ingredients for mayonnaise without oil:

  • 1 tsp of grain mustard
  • 65 ml of 3.3% yogurt
  • dried garlic
  • salt
  • 2 boiled egg yolks

Method of preparation:

How to make mayonnaise without oil and eggs: two options

1. Chop the boiled egg yolks

2. Add them to the yogurt

3. Make the mass homogeneous

4. Add salt, mustard, and spices, and mix well.

Ingredients for mayonnaise without eggs:

How to make mayonnaise without oil and eggs: two options
  • 30 ml of oil
  • 1 tsp of mustard
  • salt
  • 0.5 tsp of dry garlic
  • 60 ml of 3.3% yogurt

Method of preparation:

How to make mayonnaise without oil and eggs: two options

1. Mix olive oil, salt, mustard, and garlic.

How to make mayonnaise without oil and eggs: two options

2. Add the yogurt and mix until smooth.

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