
How to make chebureks from zucchini: they are juicy and keep their shape

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
How to make chebureks from zucchini. Source: Screenshot from a video on YouTube

Delicious chebureks can be made without yeast, kneading, or rolling out the dough. All you need is an ordinary seasonal zucchini. You need to make a pancake from the grated mass, which will perfectly hold the filling inside.

The idea of making zucchini pasties was published on the Instagram page of food blogger Valeria Demchuk (mrs.demenchuk). The products are very juicy.

How to make chebureks from zucchini: they are juicy and keep their shape


  • zucchini - 500 g (peeled)
  • egg - 1 pc
  • flour - 100 g
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • ham - 100 g
  • hard cheese - 60 g
  • dill or green onions - to taste
  • salt/pepper - to taste

Method of preparation:

How to make chebureks from zucchini: they are juicy and keep their shape

1. Grate zucchini, salt and leave for 10 minutes

2. Squeeze out all excess moisture.

How to make chebureks from zucchini: they are juicy and keep their shape

3. Add the egg, flour, salt, and pepper to the zucchini and mix to make a thick dough.

4. For the filling, grate cheese, ham, and garlic on a fine grater, add finely chopped herbs and mix.

How to make chebureks from zucchini: they are juicy and keep their shape

5. Put two tablespoons of zucchini dough on a preheated, oiled frying pan, form a pancake, and wait for the top to set.

How to make chebureks from zucchini: they are juicy and keep their shape

6. Spread the filling in half and fold it in half, press it with a spatula (it should stick together).

7. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

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