
How to cook cocoa correctly so as not to spoil its taste: we share the technology

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Recipe for lump-free homemade cocoa. Source: Pixabay

Sweet cocoa is an atmospheric winter drink that is very popular with children and many adults. But at home, it is most often prepared in the following way: the powder is simply poured over hot milk. As a result, lumps are formed, as well as milk films on top. Therefore, to avoid this, you need to follow the correct cooking technology.

The idea of making delicious warming cocoa was published on the Instagram page of food blogger Polina with the nickname polli_cooking.

How to cook cocoa correctly so as not to spoil its taste: we share the technology


  • 200 ml of milk
  • 2 tbsp of cocoa
  • sugar to taste

Method of preparation:

How to cook cocoa correctly so as not to spoil its taste: we share the technology

1. Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan and put it on the fire.

How to cook cocoa correctly so as not to spoil its taste: we share the technology

2. Mix cocoa and sugar in a separate bowl.

How to cook cocoa correctly so as not to spoil its taste: we share the technology

3. Add a little warm milk to the dry ingredients in a thin stream, stirring constantly, and mix well until smooth.

How to cook cocoa correctly so as not to spoil its taste: we share the technology

4. Now pour the finished homogeneous mass in a thin stream to the total amount of milk and stir constantly.

How to cook cocoa correctly so as not to spoil its taste: we share the technology

5. Bring the cocoa to a boil, boil for 1-2 minutes (stirring constantly) and pour into a glass.

How to cook cocoa correctly so as not to spoil its taste: we share the technology

6. Garnish with whipped cream and marshmallows.

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