
How not to cook dumplings: top common mistakes

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
How not to spoil dumplings. Source: Pexels

During cooking, dumplings often fall apart, turn out to be rubbery, or stick together. All this is due to the wrong frying or boiling technology.

Therefore, the FoodOboz editorial team will help you understand the most common mistakes of this dish.

How not to cook dumplings: top common mistakes

Boiling freshly made dumplings

Even if you don't plan to cook the dumplings right away, you still need to freeze them a little. Otherwise, the liquid from the filling will start to leak out and the products will be dry.

Long-term defrosting of dumplings

How not to cook dumplings: top common mistakes

This is the mistake that causes dumplings to stick together in the pan. Take the dumplings out of the freezer only when the water has boiled.

Putting dumplings in water of the wrong temperature

Dumplings should only be placed in salted boiling water. The products will not stick together and will be juicy.

How not to cook dumplings: top common mistakes

Insufficient water volume

For dumplings to be soft and juicy, they need to be cooked in enough water. So don't be afraid to choose a larger pot even for a small number of products.

How not to cook dumplings: top common mistakes

Insufficient frying temperature

How not to cook dumplings: top common mistakes

Dumplings can be boiled or fried. But to prevent the dough from sticking to the surface, the pan should be very well heated.

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