
Delicious sponge cake with apricots: always comes out fluffy

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Fluffy sponge cake with apricots. Source:

A sponge cake is one of the simplest variants of sweet homemade pastries. The dough is prepared very quickly and any filling is suitable for it. In summer, apricots are a great option – sweet, juicy, with a pleasant tartness. The texture is extremely fluffy because it contains a mixture of butter and kefir.

The idea of making a fluffy sponge cake with apricots was published on the Instagram page of food blogger Khrystyna (food_1333).

Delicious sponge cake with apricots: always comes out fluffy


  • eggs – 2 pcs
  • sugar – 90 g
  • butter – 100 g
  • warm kefir – 250 g
  • flour – 250 g
  • baking powder – 10 g
Delicious sponge cake with apricots: always comes out fluffy

Cooking method:

Delicious sponge cake with apricots: always comes out fluffy

1. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy white foam.

Delicious sponge cake with apricots: always comes out fluffy

2. Add the rest of the ingredients (melt the butter beforehand and the kefir should be warm), and whisk everything again.

Delicious sponge cake with apricots: always comes out fluffy

3. Pour into the mold and put the apricot halves on top. On average, you need 12 halves.

Delicious sponge cake with apricots: always comes out fluffy

4. Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes, checking the color.

Delicious sponge cake with apricots: always comes out fluffy

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