Three mistakes that can ruin any meat

Tetiana KoziukLS Food

There is not a single kitchen where meat is not used and, most importantly, loved. No feast, holiday, or picnic is complete without it. And there are even those people who simply cannot live without meat dishes. It doesn't matter what kind of meat you choose. The main thing is to cook it properly, which not everyone can do.

The FoodOboz editorial team will tell you about the mistakes that can ruin meat, based on information from the EatThis website.

Mistake 1: Pouring extra oil

It is said that most housewives have a problem with meat sticking to the pan. And the most common solution to this is to simply add more oil. But this is not always the right thing to do, especially when you want to achieve the perfect crust on a steak. All you need to do is heat the pan well, add 1\2 teaspoon of oil, and only after it is well heated, put the meat in. Ideally, it is advised to turn the steak only once during the frying process. Otherwise, you risk overcooking it.

Meat with a side dish

Mistake 2. When you put the meat in a warm pan

In this case, it will simply dry out and turn into a piece of charcoal. And you should always remember that before frying meat, it should stand at least a little at room temperature. This way, you can preserve the richness of flavor and juiciness.

Cutting steak is recommended across the grain

Mistake 3. When you cut the steak across the grain

This is especially true for hanger steaks. And if you cut them incorrectly, the pieces will end up being tough to chew.

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