
What flour to use for homemade bread: a simple and budget option

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
How to prepare homemade bread quickly. Source: Pixabay

You can simply buy bread in the store, but many housewives make it at home because they can immediately taste the hot, homemade baked goods. There are many ideas based on ordinary wheat flour. But to make the cooking process easier and more budget-friendly, you can use corn flour.

The process of making bread with corn flour was described by the American publication INSIDER

Ingredients for corn bread:

  • corn flour - 2 cups
  • cream milk - 1-1 ½ cups
  • bacon - 2 tsp (you can do without it)
  • salt - 1 tsp

Method of preparation:

1. Cut the bacon into equal pieces.

2. Put in a pan and fry.

3. Pour flour into a bowl.

4. Add salt.

5. Then add the fried bacon.

6. Finally, add butter, stirring gradually.

7. Put the mixture into the frying pan.

8. Cook for 25 minutes.

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