Experts told which cheese is the healthiest and how to eat it properly

Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food
Which cheese is the healthiest

Cheese is a very healthy product if you choose high-quality and natural. But you need to clearly understand the difference between cheese and a cheese product because very often you can buy a low-quality product.

However, the American Heart Association recommends limiting saturated fat intake and replacing it with healthier fats, such as olive oil.

The fact is that the study found that olive oil lowers cholesterol levels.

Experts advise eating cheese properly to make it really healthy and not harmful to the body, namely:

1. In small portions

Cheese should be eaten in small portions

"For now, you should stick to reasonable portions – about a cup of grated cheese, 30 grams of hard cheese, or 1/2 cup or ricotta cheese per day. In addition, reduce the amount of other sources of saturated fat in your diet and choose healthier vegetable oils for cooking, such as extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil," experts say.

2. Processed cheeses

Processed cheeses should not be eaten

Experts advise to reduce the consumption of this product because it is highly processed.

3. The right combination

How to properly combine cheeses

You shouldn't eat cheeses with fried foods; it's better to sprinkle cheese on them, such as boiled broccoli.

The healthiest way to eat cheese depends in part on the foods you choose to go with it

4. Too salty

No need to get carried away with salty cheeses

Experts recommend not eating too many salty cheeses, such as mozzarella, feta, and cheese with mold.

Look for low-sodium options. Ricotta, Jarlsberg, Swiss, and goat cheese all contain less than 150 milligrams of sodium per serving.

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