
Berry mousse: how to make a bright and refreshing summer dessert

Erika IlyinaLS Food
Berry mousse. Source: freepik

Berry mousse is the kind of dessert that is best suited for consumption in hot weather. It is not only tasty and refreshing but can also take on any color as any berries are used to make it.

Food blogger Anna shared how to make the mousse correctly on Instagram. She also showed what color the dish will turn out if you use blueberries and cherries at the same time.


  • cottage cheese - 250 gr
  • sugar - 50 gr
  • gelatin - 25 g
  • milk - 150 ml
  • berries to taste - 200 g

Method of preparation

1. Pour cold milk over gelatin, mix and let it swell.

2. Add sugar to the cottage cheese and stir for a few minutes until dissolved.

3. Add the berries. The blogger used cherries and blueberries. Beat with a blender until smooth.

4. Melt the swollen gelatin in the microwave for 10-15 seconds several times, stirring constantly.

5. Add the gelatin to the creamy berry mass. Stir well.

6. Pour into molds. You can use glass bowls or even glasses.

7. Put it in the fridge for 1-2 hours until it is completely frozen.

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