Which chocolate is the healthiest: a nutritionist dispels a popular myth

ObozrevatelLS Food
Types of chocolate. Source: pixabay.com

Sydney nutritionist Rebecca Hawthorne compared three types of the most popular chocolate: milk, dark, and vegan. It turned out that the healthiest of them all is not vegan at all, but milk chocolate.

Based on her earlier experiment, the nutritionist published a useful post on her Instagram page.

"If you love dark or vegan chocolate, then by all means, keep eating it. But if you eat them only because you think they are healthier, then it's a sign that you are just eating chocolate that you really like," Rebecca said.

The nutritionist's research has shown the following: when comparing milk, dark and vegan chocolate, it turned out that milk chocolate actually contains fewer calories and saturated fat than the other two. And vegan chocolate contained almost twice as much saturated fat as milk chocolate.

Rebecca also noted that Easter can be a difficult time for people who want to keep their health in check because consumers are "bombarded" with messages about which chocolate is the best.

It's worth noting that her simple explanation blew the minds of her followers, and subscribers simply flooded her with comments, some thanking her, and some disagreeing with her advice.

Nutritionist Rebecca Hawthorne

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