What will happen to the body if you completely give up alcohol: experts have answered

ObozrevatelLS Food
Alcoholic beverages. Source: pixabay.com

We all know that alcohol is a weapon against your health that can cause irreparable damage to your entire body. That's why it's better to either give it up altogether or drink it in small quantities.

Experts told what will change in your body if you say "stop" to alcohol, reports Еatthis.

The immune system can become more resistant

Our immune system works to protect the body from disease. Drinking alcohol can suppress its response to prevent disease, increasing the chances of developing infectious diseases.

Alcohol can contribute to weight gain

It may be easier to maintain a normal weight

When people drink alcohol, they can easily overlook the calories consumed with alcohol, which add up to your daily calorie intake. On average, an adult under the age of 50 consumes 150 calories from alcohol every day.

Health experts say that if you don't drink, you simply don't consume these calories, which would otherwise lead to weight gain over the course of a year.

It is important to note that alcohol can contribute to weight gain not only by adding calories to the daily intake but also by overeating.

Alcohol can severely ''undermine'' your health

You can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease

Drinking alcohol can increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

This is because many alcoholic beverages contain a large amount of sugar, and high glucose levels can lead to the development of cardiovascular disease.

But, when you abstain from alcohol, you reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems in the future by lowering blood pressure, lowering triglyceride levels, and reducing the likelihood of heart failure.

Your liver will be healthier than the liver of a person who drinks alcohol!

Alcohol is a toxin that the liver removes from the body by metabolizing it.

Experts say that drinking 15 drinks a week or more for men and 8 drinks a week for women increases the chances of fatty liver and cirrhosis.

The likelihood of cirrhosis and fatty liver decreases by about 10% when someone stops drinking.

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