
What ingredients spoil yeast dough: you should not add them

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
What not to add to yeast dough. Source: depositphotos.com

Puffy yeast dough can be used to make a wide variety of pastries. But it is not always successful. All because of ingredients that are mistakenly added to the mass.

The FoodOboz editorial team will tell you why yeast pastries turn out to be very browned on top but raw inside. It is worth paying attention to one important nuance.

Many housewives are convinced that milk, eggs, and sugar are the essential components of yeast dough. But this statement is wrong.

Although these ingredients have a positive effect on the texture of the dough, you may notice that when the top of the pastry is browned, the middle remains raw.

If you have pastries with a salty filling, this is a very easy situation to fix. Instead of eggs, sugar, and milk, you can add potato broth to the dough.

Fillings for pies with potato broth:

  • mushrooms
  • cabbage (or other vegetables)
  • liver
  • fish

These fillings should be prepared in advance. After baking, the pastries will definitely not be soggy.

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