What foods store well without a refrigerator and what to cook for the time of the blackout

Inna KhmilevskaLS Food
Foods stored at room temperature. Source: collage

Due to power outages every day, Ukrainians need to stock up on products that can be stored without a refrigerator. The best option is packaged food that is already ready for consumption.

Gazeta.ua told how to choose the right canned vegetables, fruit, meat, jams and jam to keep them longer. When buying should pay attention to the expiration date, as well as the integrity of the packaging, especially the lid.

Strategic meat stocks

Stew is one of the best options for strategic stocks, because it can come in handy for three to five years. It is only worthwhile to carefully choose the container in which it is sold. If the vegetables are in a tin can, sealed by hot tinning with a welding seam, they can be stored for up to five years. The shelf life of canned meat and stew in glass containers and other containers is no more than three years.

Also perfectly stored up to two months without refrigeration in tightly closed containers stewed and dried meat.

White rice is a record-breaker among cereals in terms of storage time

Some cereals can be stored for years. In particular, the longest time can not spoil: rice, buckwheat, couscous, bulgur, wheat groats.

The shelf life of buckwheat and millet is nine months, semolina and lentils - 10 months, oatmeal - one year, peas - two years. Long can lie dried chickpeas - 14-18 months.

Pasta without refrigeration can have a shelf life of two to three years. Sunflower oil - four months.

Shelf life of flour of the highest grade without loss of quality in favorable conditions - 10 years, and low grades - about five to seven.

Coffee and tea do not lose their properties for up to three years

Unroasted coffee beans can be stored for one to three years without losing their properties. The maximum shelf life of raw beans is five years. Ground coffee is more complicated - freshness should be taken into account. It is better to store ground coffee in hermetically sealed packaging.

Thus, ground beans can be stored for up to one year, vacuum-packed - more than three. Regarding instant coffee, in an airtight container, it will retain its properties for several years.

Doctor-dietologist Olga Gordievich emphasizes that proper nutrition in emergencies recede into the background.

"Instead, the instinct of self-preservation is turned on. In such a case, choose nutritious carbohydrate food that is easy to prepare and feeds the body. And the healthy plate rule will return when the situation improves," says Gordievich.

Vegetable and meat casseroles

The nutritionist recommends, while there is electricity, to prepare a pie with meat, fish or vegetables. Thus, on the table will be a balanced dish that is suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It does not lose its flavor even cold. Vegetable and cottage cheese casseroles will also be useful.

It is very important not to forget about legumes, which are a good source of vegetable protein. Dietetics also recommends how to calculate the ration per day.

"We can count on 100 - 200 grams of cereals per day per adult in dry form and about half that amount for preschoolers and elementary school children. Fats - salted lard, lard, vegetable unrefined oil: olive oil, linseed oil, Important proteins In general, everyone is oriented that it is worth filling the freezer with animal proteins and fish, but it is very important not to forget about legumes, which are a good source of vegetable protein, another point - vegetables and fruits. Pumpkin, apples, root vegetables.Frozen vegetables, berries, fruits, also dried, frozen herbs, pastilles, sour vegetables, canned vegetables and fruits, tomato paste, dried tomatoes, jam, jam, compote, juices," notes Gordy.

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