
What foods should not be canned and why

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Do not preserve these foods. Source:

Canning is the perfect way to preserve food for the winter. You will always have something for pasta, porridge, or it can be a delicious appetizer for a festive table. But it's worth remembering that not all foods can be canned.

The FoodOboz editorial team will tell you what not to put in jars for the winter. You will only spoil the food.

Do not preserve meat at home

Stores offer a wide variety of meat wraps made from pork, chicken, or fish. But you simply cannot cook the same dish at home. The fact is that the product undergoes a special heat treatment, which neutralizes all bacteria. It is impossible to achieve this effect at home.

Not all cucumbers are suitable for canning

Only cucumbers with bubbles can be preserved. If they have a smooth skin, they are not suitable. The fruits will soften very quickly and may even explode in the jar. These cucumbers are best used for salads.

What mushrooms cannot be canned

We are talking about wild mushrooms, they cannot be canned. You will not be able to achieve thorough sterilization during cooking because during their growth, mushrooms actively absorb various impurities from the soil. There is no guarantee that all bacteria will be completely neutralized. Such preservation cannot be called safe. If you want to prepare mushrooms for the winter, it is better to dry them.

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