The most delicious pickled tomatoes with a special ingredient: Vitaliy Tylnyi shared his idea

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Pickled tomatoes without vinegar. Source: freepik

Pickled tomatoes are a great appetizer for a festive table, a perfect addition to mashed potatoes. These vegetables are cooked without adding vinegar, so they will be as healthy as possible. And for a bright taste, you need to add a lot of different leaves, as well as one special ingredient.

The idea of making delicious pickled tomatoes was published on the Instagram page of the famous Ukrainian showman Vitaliy Tylnyi. Vitaliy adds grapes to a jar of tomatoes.


  • tomatoes
  • horseradish leaves
  • currant leaves
  • parsley
  • white horseradish
  • onion
  • dried hot peppers
  • bunches of grapes
  • salt
  • water

Method of preparation:

1. Wash the jars.

2. Dilute a one-liter jar of water with 50 g of salt.

3. Arrange the horseradish leaves, currant leaves and parsley in clean, empty jars.

4. Rinse the tomatoes.

5. Arrange on top of the greens.

6. Slice the onion into slices.

7. Add a pod of dried hot pepper.

8. Add a slice of white horseradish.

9. Put a small bunch of grapes on top.

10. Pour the brine over the tomatoes.

11. Take a plastic lid, make several holes in it and press it into the jar with the back side - this will help the tomatoes not to rise during cooking. Put it in a cold place.

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