
Syrnyky in a new way: what to add to the dough to make the dish healthy

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Recipe for healthy cheesecakes. Source: Photo from the page of food blogger Larysa with the nickname glutenfree lo on Instagram

The main ingredients for classic syrnyky are cottage cheese, flour, and eggs. However, you can make the products not only hearty but also very healthy. To do this, make them with spinach.

The idea of making green syrnyky was published on the Instagram page of food blogger Larysa with the nickname glutenfree lo. The dough will be quite dense, so it will not fall apart in the pan.


  • cottage cheese - 380 g
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • spinach - 30 g
  • salt, dry garlic
  • Parmesan or other cheese - 60 g
  • dill - 10 g
  • flour - 60 g (30 g of rice, 30 g of oatmeal)

Method of preparation:

1. Beat the egg with spinach and dill in a blender.

2. Add this mixture to the cottage cheese.

3. Add finely grated Parmesan cheese.

4. Sift flour.

5. Mix everything well.

6. Fry until cooked.

7. Serve with sour cream.

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