Scientists have found that wine and cheese improve brain function

Masha SerdyukLS Food
In small quantities, wine and cheese are very healthy. Source:

Cheese and wine have a very good effect on brain function. This conclusion was reached by scientists from the University of Iowa.

The results of their systematic analysis were published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. According to the study, which lasted ten years, moderate consumption of wine and cheese can improve brain function and help prevent cognitive decline.

During the experiment, experts studied the relationship between diet and age-related cognitive decline. The study involved 1748 people aged 46 to 77 years. Scientists analyzed nutritional survey data and cognitive test results over a 10-year period.

As a result of the in-depth analysis, cheese was recognized as the most "protective" food, and moderate consumption of red wine showed a link to improved brain function.

"I was pleasantly surprised when our results showed that responsible consumption of cheese and red wine may help to cope with a complex world that seems to never slow down," said Auriel Willett, associate professor of food science and human nutrition at ISU.

In addition, the study found that eating lamb once a week also improves brain function. However, high salt intake is dangerous for people at risk of Alzheimer's disease.

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