
Olya Polyakova shared a recipe for the perfect Easter cake: it will be very lush and tasty

Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food
Easter cake recipe from Olya Polyakova

On May 5, Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter. For many years, singer Olya Polyakova has been perfecting her own recipe for Easter cake. And finally, she managed to find the formula for the perfect pastry.

What to make homemade Easter cake with

The singer shared a new video on her YouTube channel with step-by-step instructions for making Easter cake. The artist's recipe is designed for 1.5 kg of baked goods.

How to make a fluffy Easter cake

"I love baking Easter cakes because it is a creative process. I love family traditions, baking Easter cakes, because it gives meaning to life. You feel like you are involved in the birth of something. There were just eggs and milk, and then you get this best Easter cake. I've been developing this recipe for 10 years in a row, and now I'm giving it to you," the artist said.

Delicious homemade Easter cake

The artist's life hack is that the higher the protein content of the flour, the better the Easter cake will be.

Easter cake recipe from Olya Polyakova

For the dough:

  • 300 ml of milk
  • 300 g of flour (high protein, 12 to 16 percent)
  • 75 g of live yeast
  • 1 tsp of sugar

For the dough:

  • 18 eggs: 18 yolks, 9 whites
  • 550 g of sugar
  • 1 kg 200 g flour (high protein, 12 to 16)
  • 400 g of butter
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • zest of 2 oranges
  • juice of 2 oranges
  • vanilla
  • 5-7 g of salt
  • raisins soaked in cognac or in water

For the glaze:

  • 9 cold egg whites
  • 11 tbsp. l sugar

Method of preparation:

1. Dough : for this you need 300 ml of milk, which must be carefully mixed with 75 g of yeast and add 300 g of flour. Add 1 tsp of sugar to the dough, mix well and leave to rest for 30 minutes in a dark and quiet place.

Easter cake baking machine

2. To make the dough: separate the yolks and whites of 9 eggs. Leave the whites for the glaze, and send the yolks to a food processor. Add 9 more eggs, but with whites and yolks, which, according to Polyakova, will make the cake fluffy, but at the same time it will not get stale quickly. Add 550 g of sugar to the mass. Mix all this until it becomes a high foam. After that, finely grate the zest of 2 oranges and squeeze the juice out of them. Add the dough to the egg mass, and gently knead the dough, adding the orange zest and gradually adding the flour.

Knead the dough

3. While the dough is being kneaded, soak the raisins in cognac or water for one hour. Gradually add 400 g of butter, a little vanilla, and a spoonful of salt to the dough in small pieces. If necessary, you can add milk or orange juice to the dough or, conversely, flour.

Dried fruits for Easter cake

4. Leave the mixed dough to rest for 20 minutes and then knead for another 10-15 minutes. Now wait 30 minutes for the dough to rise.

5. When the dough is ready, add the raisins, carefully place it on a greased mat and divide it so that it takes up no more than 1/3 of the space in each mold. Before putting the dough into the mold, grease your hands with oil. It is better to put the dough into the molds in the shape of a ball, but this is not necessary. Then cover the Easter cakes in the molds with towels and leave them for another 30 minutes.

Add dried fruit to the dough

6. Bake the cakes at 190 degrees for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 160-170 degrees. Do not open the oven for 30 minutes. For small cakes, 30 minutes of baking is enough, while large cakes should be left a little longer, checking from time to time.

Putting the dough into molds

7. Frosting: for this you need 9 cold egg whites, 11 tbsp of sugar, which should be whipped until soft.

Preparing the glaze

When the cakes are out of the oven, check with a wooden toothpick to see if they are cooked through. Be sure to decorate the cakes with icing while they are still hot!

Ready-made lush Easter cake

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