
Not just pasta: how to cook gourmet seafood pasta at home

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Delicious pasta with seafood. Source: foodnetwork.com

One of the most popular dishes often ordered in cafes and restaurants is pasta with seafood. But you don't have to go to a restaurant. It will be much more budget-friendly to do everything at home.

The idea of cooking gourmet seafood pasta was published on the Instagram page of food blogger Nataliia with the nickname talli sun.


  • pasta
  • seafood (can be frozen)
  • lemon
  • cream
  • blue mold cheese
  • nutmeg

Method of preparation:

1. Cook the pasta as indicated on the package.

2. Defrost seafood, squeeze out the liquid.

3. Put it in the pan.

4. Pour lemon juice and fry for 2-3 minutes.

5. Pour in the cream.

6. Add moldy cheese, nutmeg, and cook until the products are completely combined.

7. Put the cooked pasta in the sauce and mix.

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