
No flour, sugar, eggs, or baking: an easy and delicious summer dessert

Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food
Dessert recipe

Homemade desserts don't have to be made from dough; you can easily replace it with pita bread, cookies, sour cream, dried fruit, jelly, or bird's milk.

What to make a homemade dessert from

The cook shared a recipe for a delicious dessert made from cottage cheese, bananas, and chocolate on Instagram.


  • bananas -–2 pcs
  • cream 20-30% – 150 ml
  • gelatin – 10 g + 50 ml of cold water
  • lemon juice – 20 ml
  • cottage cheese – 350 g
  • powdered sugar – 100 g

Chocolate layer:

  • chocolate – 85 g
  • cream 20% – 70 g
  • gelatin – 4 g + 20 ml of cold water

Method of preparation:

1. Pour gelatin with water and let it swell for 5 minutes.

2. Cut the banana into large pieces, add the cottage cheese, powdered sugar, and beat with a blender, add the melted gelatin and mix.

Banana for dessert

3. Pour into the mold and refrigerate until firm.

Dessert base

4. Pour gelatin with water and let it swell for 5 minutes.

Gelatin for cooking

5. Mix the chocolate with the cream and melt.

Preparing a delicious dessert

6. Melt the gelatin and pour it into the chocolate and cream. Let cool and pour over the dessert.

Chocolate for dessert

7. Put back in the refrigerator until completely set.

Ready-made dessert

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