Never store mushrooms like this: the main mistakes housewives make

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
How to store mushrooms properly. Source:

When you bring your mushrooms home, you need to preserve them properly. Not everyone can do this correctly, and the product often spoils. That's why it's worth understanding the main nuances.

The FoodOboz editorial team will tell you what mistakes are most often made when storing mushrooms. It will also help you find out whether such a product can be frozen.

Never leave mushrooms dirty

If you want to store, preserve, or dry mushrooms for a long time, you need to prepare them for this. You need to heat the product immediately to neutralize all germs and contaminants.

What to cut off

The lower part of the stem that was in the ground should not be left. It must be cut off. In addition, do not forget to clean the cap. If it is a butter mushroom, you need to remove the top film as well.

Can mushrooms be frozen

Freezing is an excellent method of storing mushrooms for the winter. However, you need to follow a few important rules:

1. Before putting the mushrooms in the freezer, do not soak them in water for a long time so that the products keep their shape and do not turn into mush.

2. In the case of freezing, the skin does not need to be removed, just lightly cleaned of dirt with a sponge.

3. First, freeze the mushrooms a little on a baking sheet and then put them in tightly sealed bags.

4. If they are chanterelles or porcini, they can be blanched before freezing to remove the bitterness.

5. Frozen mushrooms that have not been blanched can be stored for up to 12 months, and raw mushrooms for up to 6 months.

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