LS Food
How to slice a lemon beautifully and easily: three ways
Lemon is not only an excellent preservative and a fruit full of vitamins, but also a good appetizer for alcoholic beverages. If it is served as the latter, it is important that the fruit looks beautiful. In this case, it can also become a table decoration.
How to cut a lemon beautifully is explained on the World of Tips YouTube channel. It turns out there are three simple ways.
Method 1
1. Cut the lemon into slices.
2. Cut each piece in half on one side.
3. Turn the tips in different directions.
4. Place them next to each other and serve.
Method 2
1. Cut the lemon into slices, cutting the first piece only up to half, and the second piece completely.
2. Make a cut on the uncut side as in the previous method.
3. Turn the tips and the top in different directions.
4. Put them next to each other and serve. You can put an olive inside for decoration.
Method 3
1. Cut the lemon into slices.
2. Cut each piece in half on one side.
3. Turn the tips in different directions.
4. Cut the cucumber in half lengthwise and cut into very thin slices.
5. Connect the edges of the cucumber with a toothpick on one side. Spread them out to form a fan.
6. Insert the toothpick with the cucumber into the top of the lemon.
7. String an olive on the free edge of the toothpick.