How to keep salad leaves fresh for as long as possible: a simple life hack

Erika IlyinaLS Food
How to store lettuce leaves. Source: pixabay

Since lettuce is an ideal addition to a large number of dishes, housewives always try to keep it available at home. However, it's not uncommon to see lettuce spoil in the refrigerator within a few days of buying it.

To avoid these unpleasant moments, you should know how to store lettuce leaves properly. In this case, a wonderful life hack posted on TikTok by a user with the nickname zolfreckles will help.

To begin with, the blogger advises to rinse the salad thoroughly to get rid of excess dirt. Then you should dry it thoroughly with a kitchen towel. Next, you should remove the top leaves from the head of lettuce, which usually deteriorate faster than the rest.

When the salad is completely dry, the blogger advises wrapping it in foil. Thanks to this simple trick, the product will stay fresh for much longer than ever. After that, you should put the head of lettuce in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment.

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