How to keep bananas fresh for 18 days: a crazy life hack
Banana is a healthy and tasty fruit that tastes great on its own, and is also an ideal base for a variety of smoothies and other dishes. However, it has one significant drawback, which is its rapid spoilage.
Recently, Brenda Anderson, a farmer, chef, and founder of Little Lost Creations, told the Mirror an amazing life hack. Using it, bananas will stay fresh in your fridge for 18 days.
First of all, it should be noted that fruits such as bananas, apples, avocados, mangoes, pears and peaches produce quite a lot of ethylene gas. And, when they are all stored together, a highly concentrated place for gas accumulation is formed. After that, the fruits will overripe with each other, which will eventually lead to rotting.
Therefore, according to the expert, to keep bananas fresh longer, they should be put in a brown paper bag and tightly closed. Then the fruit is placed in the refrigerator in a special compartment for fruit. In this form, it will be able to maintain its freshness for 18 days after purchase. This life hack may seem crazy, but it is really effective.
When you open a bag of bananas, you may notice that the peel has turned black. This is not a big deal, because the banana inside will remain ripe and not spoiled. Therefore, thanks to an ordinary paper bag, you no longer have to throw away bananas that have rotted before you have had time to consume them.