
How to cook crispy chips in the microwave: a simple hack

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
How to cook chips in the microwave

Crispy, golden, flavorful, and delicious: these are the kind of chips we always buy in the store. But this product contains a lot of chemicals and flavors. And if you can't make a snack out of regular potatoes in a frying pan, use the microwave.

The idea of cooking potato chips in the microwave is published on the chudo_v_banke Instagram page.

How to cook chips in the microwave


  • potatoes (medium) - 2-3 pcs.
  • spices - to taste
  • salt - to taste
Raw potatoes for the dish

Method of preparation:

1. Wash the potatoes with a brush.

2. Peel or leave like that.

Sliced potatoes

3. Cut the vegetable into thin slices. You can use a special grater or vegetable peeler.

4. Put on parchment in a single layer.

5. Add salt and spices to taste.

Crispy and golden homemade potato chips

6. Turn on the microwave to 700 watts and cook for 3-5 minutes. It all depends on the power of the microwave.

7. When the potatoes turn slightly brown, turn off and put on paper towels.

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