How much sugar to add to 1 kg of cherries and strawberries to make jam tasty: effective proportions

Tetiana KoziukLS Food
How much sugar to add to jam. Source:

In the summer, the most popular preparations are homemade jams made from seasonal berries and fruits, with strawberries and cherries being the most popular. One of the most important ingredients is sugar, which determines the consistency of the jam and it is important not to add too much of it to prevent the dessert from becoming too sweet.

The FoodOboz editorial team has gathered information for you and will tell you how much sugar to add to 1 kg of cherries and strawberries to make the jam delicious.

How much sugar to add to cherry jam

How much sugar to add to cherry jam

When making cherry jam, you need to focus on the type of berries: for sweet varieties, you need to take less, for sour varieties, more. The density of the jam depends on the amount of sugar: if you put in 1.3-1.5 kg and use a small amount of water, the jam will resemble more of a syrup or jam. If you use up to 1 kg of sugar, the jam will be liquid.

How much sugar to add to strawberry jam

How much sugar to add to strawberry jam

There is a wide variety of strawberry jam recipes: some use a large amount of sugar, others less, and some even omit this ingredient.

If you want the future jam to be of medium density, then the approximate proportions are as follows: 1 kg of strawberries \ 1 kg of sugar. Although, if the strawberries are sweet, you can add 900 g of sugar.

Homemade strawberry jam

If you don't plan to add sugar, the technology for making such jam is as follows: the berry mass must be heated several times and after each of them, it is imperative to cool the mass to room temperature. For sugar-free jam, you should select ripe berries of sweet varieties.

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