How many pieces of bread you can eat without harming your figure

Svetlana FusLS Food
How many pieces of bread you can eat without harming your figure

Let's talk about bread. Does it harm health and how does it affect weight?

After all, bread and bakery products often make up a significant part of our diet. For many, it is one of the main foodstuffs. It is considered a universal, quick and convenient food. And, by the way, bread is one of the few foods that do not get bored. It may even seem to us that "we hardly eat it". But in fact...

Bread is usually at the top of the list of forbidden foods for those who have decided to reduce carbohydrate intake and lose extra pounds. It is important to understand which bread should be excluded or restricted.

White bread, for example, has a high glycemic index, it is rich in simple carbohydrates, which stimulate increased insulin production. Eating foods with a high glycemic index can actually increase hunger and cause overeating, which is bad for both digestion and your figure. Eating a basket of slices of a delicious white baguette will definitely raise blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is important to realize that frequent consumption of white bread and other wheat flour products over time can lead to insulin resistance and increase the risks of developing type 2 diabetes.

Another property of bread is that it swells in the stomach and creates a feeling of fullness. There are some people who have a constant habit of eating everything with bread. In its absence in the food, they feel that they are not full. This too leads to overeating and gaining excess weight. Their waistline becomes blurred, subcutaneous fat appears, from which it is difficult to get rid of.

But of all the variety, there is a healthy bread. This is bread from coarse flour, whole grain bread or bread from sprouted grains. It is such bread contains more vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B9), E, PP, minerals (iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus) and amino acid tryptophan. It also has a fairly high amount of fiber.

But even if wheat bread is called "whole wheat bread" it does not mean that it contains only whole grains. In most cases, such bread is still 60-80% ordinary white baking flour, in which some amount of ground grain hulls and seeds is added. Therefore, read the labels, which should definitely indicate the composition of the bread.

Despite the fact that bread contains a fairly large amount of vegetable protein - up to 6-8 g per 100 g, a significant part of it - 30-50% - falls on gluten, or gluten. Gluten is an indigestible protein. If it is ingested in large quantities, it irritates and damages the intestinal mucosa. Persistent excess gluten in the diet can provoke systemic inflammatory diseases, excess weight gain, diabetes, cause abdominal pain and constipation, flatulence after ingestion, and contribute to autoimmune diseases. Gluten intolerance is manifested by a condition such as celiac disease.

But, as you realize, quantity is crucial.

I recommend consuming in the form of bread 1/3 of the daily requirement of starchy carbohydrates. And that's about 100 g per day. And of course, pay attention to bread from coarse flour, yeast-free. Be sure to take into account the individual tolerance of this product. If you do not abuse bread and in general dishes from white wheat flour, it is impossible to gain excess weight. And in small quantities, it will only benefit the body. It is not the bread itself that is harmful, but the habit of eating it often and a lot.

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