Explosive popcorn like in the movies: what kind of corn can be used at home

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Popcorn with caramel

Popcorn is a great addition to your favorite movie. We are used to buying the most delicious popcorn in movie theaters – it seems to be something special there. But you can also make it at home. It will be even tastier.

Today, the FoodOboz editorial team shares the secrets of making airy caramel homemade popcorn

Caramel popcorn


Sugar - 225 g

Refined vegetable oil - 50 g

Salt - 1 tsp

Soda - 1/4 tsp.

Corn kernels for popcorn -170 g

Method of preparation:

  1. Put the sugar in a large saucepan over medium heat. Wait until the sugar begins to melt, stir gently with a spatula. Dampen a baking brush with water, and grease the walls of the saucepan to prevent sugar from crystallizing.
  2. When all the sugar has melted, add the oil and stir. Add salt and baking soda at once.
  3. When the caramel begins to bubble, add the corn.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid. In 2 minutes, the popcorn will start exploding.
  5. When the explosions stop, remove the pan from the heat and pour the popcorn into a bowl.
Corn that is perfect for homemade popcorn

Which corn is suitable for popcorn

  • thin but strong walls
  • lacquered grain surface
  • low percentage of starch compared to other varieties of corn
  • more fats and proteins

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