Deruny without flour: how to prepare the dish according to the best Ukrainian traditions

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Recipe for juicy potato pancakes without flour

Real Ukrainian potato pancakes or deruny are crispy, golden, and hearty. Some recipes call for flour to be added to the dough, but you can do without it. The dish will be really juicy and very tasty if you beat the vegetables properly with a blender.

The idea of making flour-free potato pancakes with cheese is published on the food_by_roschis Instagram page.

How to make flour-free potato pancakes with hard cheese.


  • potatoes
  • onion
  • egg
  • salt
  • pepper
  • hard cheese
  • garlic, dill, sour cream for serving
Onion and sour cream.

Method of preparation:

1. Beat the vegetables in a blender.

2. Add the egg.

Chopped potatoes.

3. Season with salt and pepper.

4. Mix everything well.

5. Spoon the pancakes onto the preheated frying pan.


6. Fry on both sides.

7. When the pancakes are almost ready, put cheese on top and sprinkle with garlic and dill.

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