Delicious plum jam in a frying pan: easy to prepare
The easiest way to prepare jam from plums - in a frying pan. The consistency will turn out moderately thick, and the process itself does not require a lot of time and excessive effort. Jam is perfectly stored for the winter.
The idea of cooking plum jam in a frying pan is published on the page of foodblogger Svitlana with the nickname svitlanacooking in Instagram. You will only need 3 ingredients.
- chopped plums - 0,5 liter jar.
- sugar - 0.5 liter jar
- citric acid - 1/3 tsp.
Method of preparation:
1. Pour chopped plums into cast iron skillet.
2. Place over high heat.
3. From the time the drain boils, clock exactly 5 minutes.
4. Pour in the sugar, wait until it starts to boil.
5. Boil for 5 minutes.
6. Add the citric acid and simmer for another minute.
7. During cooking, stir the jam to prevent it from sticking.
8. Remove from the heat, put into sterile jars and roll up.