LS Food
Delicious pepper rolls with bryndza
Light appetizers made with vegetables and cheese diversify rich and fatty dishes. Thus, try this dish.
One of these recipes - pepper rolls with bryndza - was shared by Oleksandr Hromliuk exclusively with FoodOboz.
- roasted peeled bell peppers - 300 g
- bryndza - 100 g
- fresh or frozen spinach - 50 g
- green onions - 10 g
- cream - 50 g
- truffle oil (sesame or lemon) - 10 g
- salt, pepper, suneli hops - to taste
Method of preparation:
1. Roast the peppers until they are black and peel them. To do this, place it in a bowl of cold water and ice - the change in temperature will make it easy to remove the skin.
2. Then remove the seeds..
3. Beat the cheese with a blender, add cream and finely chopped spinach.
4. Bring the finished mousse to taste with spices.
5. Cut the pepper into 3-4 cm wide strips lengthwise.
6. Put the cheese mousse on them, top with a green onion and roll them up. Do this with all the strips.
7. Drizzle the rolls with oil and serve.