
Chili peppers: important health benefits revealed

Elena KozlovaLS Food
Chili peppers can inhibit the growth of cancer cells

Chili peppers have many beneficial properties, including improved blood circulation, lower cholesterol levels, and increased metabolism.

In regions where it is widely used, there is also a decrease in heart attacks and atherosclerosis, according to

The main component of chili peppers is capsaicin, an alkaloid that gives them their characteristic spicy flavor. In a study conducted by the Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, it was found that it can induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) and inhibit the growth of colon, breast, and pancreatic cancer cells.

In addition, chili peppers help fight water retention and hypertension, have anti-inflammatory effects, and prevent toxins from entering the bloodstream. Its consumption is also associated with a reduced risk of diabetes.

Who should avoid chili peppers?

In general, spicy food is very useful if there are no specific pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or allergies. Chili peppers are contraindicated for those who suffer from ulcers, gastroenteritis, and cystitis, pregnant or lactating women, as well as children under the age of 12.

In addition, it is important not to exceed its amount, as excessive doses of chili pepper can seriously irritate the internal mucous membranes, mainly the intestines and urinary tract.

How to get rid of heartburn?

Capsaicin is soluble in alcohol and fat, so to get rid of heartburn after eating hot peppers, you can drink a glass of wine, eat a piece of cheese or a sauce made from whole yogurt.

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