Can you freeze oranges and how to do it right: nutritionist's advice

Victoria ZhmayloLS Food
How to freeze oranges properly

When oranges freeze, it changes their cellular structure, making them juicier and slightly softer. Frozen oranges will taste great when eaten thawed, but their appearance will not be quite the same as fresh ones.

Viktoriia Stelmakh, a nutritionist and baby food expert, told FoodOboz in an exclusive commentary how to make citrus fruits retain their "presentable" appearance longer and how to freeze oranges correctly.

"Frozen oranges are stored in the freezer for 6-12 months. If you have a deep freeze, storing them there will be the best option, they will last longer than in a combination from the refrigerator to the freezer," she said.

How to freeze oranges

The main thing you should do before freezing oranges, the expert advises, is to rinse them lightly under cold running water and then dry them with a paper towel. Don't use soap or chemical-based detergents, as these can leave residue that can affect the flavor and texture of your oranges.

To freeze whole oranges:

1. Wash the outside of the orange and dry it well to remove any excess moisture and water on the peel.

2. Place the oranges in a freezer-safe bag (ziplock), close it, and try to get rid of any excess air. A vacuum cleaner works best for this.

To freeze orange halves or slices

1. Wash the outside of the orange and dry it well.

2. Line a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper.

3. Cut the orange in half in the middle (not end to end).

4. Place them cut-side down on the parchment. Cover with cling film. Put in the freezer for 4 hours.

5. Remove the frozen orange halves and place them in a freezer-safe bag or container.

To freeze orange segments (without peel)

1. Line a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper.

2. Cut off the top and bottom of the orange.

3. Place the knife near the core and cut downward according to the shape of the peel. Peel the whole fruit.

4. Carefully from the center – divide them.

5. Place the segments on the parchment. Cover with cling film and place in the freezer.

6. After a while, take out the frozen orange slices and place them in a safe bag or container for freezing.

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