Borscht: what ingredients should not be added to the dish, so as not to spoil the flavor

Tetiana KoziukLS Food
How not to spoil borscht. Source: Pixabay

Red borscht is a traditional and favorite Ukrainian dish, which is cooked with meat, vegetables, frying, less often - beans or mushrooms are added.

In the process of cooking, hostesses try to add more spices, spices or herbs to the dish to make the flavor bright. But it is not always appropriate. FoodOboz editorial staff has collected information and will tell you what ingredients are better not to add to borscht, so as not to spoil the flavor.

How to make delicious borscht and what ingredients should not be added to the dish

Cloves and cinnamon

These and other similar spices make the flavor of borscht too sour, sometimes even sharp.

Asian seasonings

Especially Korean seasoning and hopli-suneli, which spoil the flavor and also make the dish bitter.

What spices should not be added to borscht to avoid spoiling the flavor

Fresh or dried ginger

In any of its forms, it has a specific saturated flavor, which is sure to transfer and borscht. If you use it, it is better to serve it separately on a plate.


With greens should also be careful, because for each meat broth you should choose a special kind. For borscht with pork or chicken, dill is more suitable, and parsley will perfectly emphasize the flavor of borscht with beef.

Why to add vinegar to borscht

If you want to make the flavor of borscht unsurpassed, then use a lifehack that has not been a secret for a long time, namely - add vinegar to the dish. It very successfully emphasizes the taste and makes the color deep red. In order to use this method, you need to splash the beet with vinegar before passivation. The main thing is not to overdo it.

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