Better than any sauce: how to make the perfect salad dressing in 10 minutes
If you want to make a tasty, healthy, and light dressing for vegetable salads, mayonnaise is not the way to go, even if it is homemade. Try making it with simple ingredients, such as mustard, lemon juice, and spices, which will bring out the flavor of the vegetables even more.
Food blogger Lana (lanaoky) shared a recipe for a delicious salad dressing on Instagram that will reveal the taste of vegetables in a new way (to watch the video, scroll to the end of the page).
- olive oil -–70 ml
- juice of 1/2 lemon
- mustard in grains – 1 tsp
- honey – 2 tsp
- vinegar – 1 tsp
- garlic – 2 cloves
- oregano – to taste
- salt – a pinch
Method of preparation:
1. Take a half-liter jar.
2. Pour in the oil, add lemon juice, and honey.
3. Then add mustard and wine vinegar.
4. Add salt, oregano, and chopped garlic and mix thoroughly.
The finished dressing can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days in a jar.