American scientists have identified 10 rules for healthy eating

Natalia UlyankinaLS Food
American scientists have identified 10 rules for healthy eating

Experts from the Harvard School of Public Health have developed simple rules that will help everyone eat right.


1. Choose good carbohydrates, not carbs. Whole grains are your best bet.

2. Pay attention to the protein package. Fish, poultry, nuts, and beans are the best choices.

3. Choose foods with healthy fats, limit the amount of foods high in saturated fat, and avoid foods with trans fats. Vegetable oils, nuts, and fish are the healthiest sources.

4. Choose a diet rich in fiber, with whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

5. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Choose the size and variety - dark green, yellow, orange, and red.

6. Calcium is important. But milk is not the only source of calcium.

7. Water is the best thirst quencher. Avoid sugary drinks, and reduce the use of milk and juices.

8. Food without salt is good for everyone's health. Choose more fresh food and less processed food .

9. A small amount of alcohol can be good for your health. But not for everyone. You have to weigh the pros and cons of drinking alcohol.

10. Daily multivitamins are an excellent nutritional insurance policy. A little extra vitamin D can improve your health, advises

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