A hearty vitamin soup to eat in the fall: a MasterChef judge shares his recipe

Iryna Melnichenko
Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food
Chef Vladimir Yaroslavsky
Chef Vladimir Yaroslavsky

According to experts, in the fall, you should eat as many seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries as possible, which are rich in vitamins and essential trace elements. Of course, it is better to eat them raw, but you can also cook them properly, for example, bake them in the oven, boil them, or add them to soups.

One such vegetable is Jerusalem artichoke, an earthen pear that is very healthy and easy to prepare. It can be used to make delicious desserts and as a sugar substitute.

Culinary expert and MasterChef judge Volodymyr Yaroslavskiy shared a recipe for a healthy autumn Jerusalem artichoke soup on Instagram, which you can prepare very quickly and easily.

Recipe for a healthy soup
Recipe for a healthy soup


  • Jerusalem artichoke - 750 g
  • onion - 125 g
  • cream - 50 ml
  • smoked bacon - 75 g
  • white dry wine - 75 g
  • vegetable or chicken broth - 500 ml
  • oil for frying - 30 g
  • salt - to taste

Method of preparation:

1. Peel the Jerusalem artichoke, slice it and put it in a pot of cold water.

2. Chop the bacon and fry well over medium heat.

Vegetable broth for soup
Vegetable broth for soup

3. Dice the onion and add to the bacon, fry until golden brown.

4. Then add the chopped Jerusalem artichoke and fry for about 5 minutes.

Oil and spices bring out the flavor of an unusual dish even better

5. Add the wine, evaporate it, and then pour in the broth. Cover the pot and cook for 40 minutes.

6. Transfer the mixture to a blender, whisk until smooth and strain through a sieve.

7. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, put on the fire, add cream, salt and mix thoroughly.

Jerusalem artichoke soup

The dish is best served with olive oil.

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