
6 foods you shouldn't eat in the morning

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Dishes for breakfast

Breakfast is by far the most important meal of the day. The way we start our day affects our productivity, well-being, and mood. Therefore, you need to choose the right foods and avoid those that are not very healthy to eat on an empty stomach.

On her Instagram page, certified nutritionist viktoria_hovorukha talks about what foods you shouldn't start your day with to avoid harming your body.

Foods that should not be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning

Fresh vegetables

Fresh vegetables are certainly healthy, but not on an empty stomach. This is due to the presence of aggressive acids in their composition, which, when ingested, simply corrode the walls of the stomach. Constant vegetable breakfasts can provoke gastritis or ulcers.


A cup of coffee in the morning is a daily ritual for many people. But, unfortunately, this habit is harmful. The fact is that caffeine stimulates the secretion of gastric juices, which, in the absence of food in the stomach, simply destroy the mucous membrane and disrupt digestion. If you add milk to your coffee, kidney stones can form. You can indulge in coffee in the morning, but you should have a good breakfast beforehand.


Spices irritate an empty stomach and, like coffee, provoke the secretion of gastric juice.

Fresh juices

Citrus in the morning is not a good idea either, especially orange juice. A large amount of acid, when it enters the stomach, disrupts the acid balance, causes heartburn, and increases the likelihood of digestive system diseases

Foods rich in carbohydrates

Muffins, sweets, and instant cereals give you a quick boost of energy in the morning, but not for long. In addition, simple carbohydrates provoke a rapid rise in sugar levels and a rapid drop. After a while, you'll feel tired and apathetic.

Cold water

Starting the day with a glass of water is perhaps the most important rule of healthy eating. Water boosts metabolism and stimulates digestion, but not cold water. Low-temperature liquids cause vasospasm of the mucous membrane. Water should be at room temperature or slightly warmed. It is better not to drink soda on an empty stomach at all.

The text was checked by MedOboz project manager Viktor Lytvynenko.

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