5 ingredients that will ruin any soup
Soup is not only an easy dish to prepare, but also very healthy, because it is based on vegetables and water. It's best to cook it at home, the only way you can be sure of its safety and benefits.
But don't forget that some foods and spices can spoil the wonderful taste of soup, even with a minimal amount of them, Eatthis reports.
1. Fried bacon
This product will give any soup an undeniably delicious flavor but don't forget how unhealthy it is. It is better to replace it with turkey or chicken.
2. Sausage
Some people believe that it is better to add this product to soups, forgetting that it is not healthy, besides, it is very high in calories and can easily spoil the taste of a wonderful vegetable soup.
3. Cheese
It's also not a good idea to add cheese to the soup, because it's high in calories, and secondly, it's not always of high quality and flavor.
4. Rice
This cereal is very healthy, but it should be eaten as an independent dish, not added to soup, because this will make the dish very high in calories.
5. Canned vegetables
These are "inanimate" products that are absolutely not useful and even vice versa. It is best to use fresh vegetables and herbs.