
Zucchini roll: how to make a delicious and budget-friendly dinner dish

Victoria ZhmayloLS Food
What to cook with zucchini
What to cook with zucchini. Source: Pixabay

No one can be surprised by pancakes or zucchini stew, but this vegetable is sometimes so abundant in season that you have to get more and more creative. You can also make a more sophisticated dish from it. For example, a roll with a spicy filling.

The recipe for the zucchini roll was shared on her Instagram page by a food blogger named anny.cooking. It will be an ideal option for a family dinner. The cooking time is 1 hour (then the dish should be refrigerated for about 2 hours).

Zucchini roll.


  • 500-550 g of zucchini ~ 2 pcs.
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tbsp of sour cream
  • 4 tbsp of flour with a slide
  • salt, pepper – to taste

Filling: 2 processed cheeses, 2 cloves of garlic, 4 tbsp of sour cream (mayonnaise/cream cheese), 2 tomatoes, 3-4 mushrooms, dill, and salt.

Zucchini roll recipe.

Method of preparation:

1. Grate the zucchini on a coarse grater, add 1/2 tsp of salt, and leave for 10 minutes to let the juice flow.

2. Shake the eggs, add the sour cream, shake, and add the squeezed zucchini. Add flour, and 1/3 tsp of baking soda and mix the dough.

What the dough for a roll should look like.

3. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet covered with parchment and spread it evenly.

The dough is ready for baking.

4. Bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

5. Take the baking sheet out of the oven and immediately transfer the parchment with the dough to the surface, put a silicone mat or boards under the bottom to cool the finished zucchini dough.

The base for the roll is ready.

6. For the filling, mix grated cheese, grated garlic, dill, and salt. Chop the tomatoes, chop the mushrooms, and fry them.

Add the filling.

7. Spread the cold zucchini dough with the cheese filling, add the tomatoes and mushrooms.

Add mushrooms and tomatoes to the filling.

8. Roll up and put in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Wrapping the roll.

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