
Young potatoes with sour cream and garlic: the best summer lunch dish for cutlets or chops

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
How to cook young potatoes in a pan deliciously. Source:

Young potatoes are the best summer side dish. They can be fried in butter with sour cream and garlic. It is ideal to serve with your favorite cutlets, chops or other meat products.

The idea of cooking young potatoes with sour cream and garlic for lunch was published on the Instagram page of food blogger Vitalina (naumenko.vitaa). First, boil the vegetable.

Young potatoes with sour cream and garlic: the best summer lunch dish for cutlets or chops


  • young potatoes - 600
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • butter - 20 g
  • dill - a bunch
  • spices (salt, paprika)

Method of preparation:

Young potatoes with sour cream and garlic: the best summer lunch dish for cutlets or chops

1. Boil the potatoes until tender.

Young potatoes with sour cream and garlic: the best summer lunch dish for cutlets or chops

2. Heat oil in a frying pan.

Young potatoes with sour cream and garlic: the best summer lunch dish for cutlets or chops

3. Add potatoes, garlic, sour cream and dill.

Young potatoes with sour cream and garlic: the best summer lunch dish for cutlets or chops

4. Mix well.

Young potatoes with sour cream and garlic: the best summer lunch dish for cutlets or chops

5. Cover and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

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