
You'll spoil everything: why you should never beat eggs before frying. Gordon Ramsay reveals the secret

Erika IlyinaLS Food
Scrambled eggs by Gordon Ramsay. Source: freepik

Starting your morning with scrambled eggs means saturating your body with nutrients that will give it strength and energy throughout the day. This dish can serve as the basis for breakfast or replace it completely.

Gordon Ramsay, a true guru of Hell's Kitchen, says that most of us cook eggs incorrectly. That's why he urges us to put down the whisk and cook eggs only according to his recipe. He spoke about this in an interview with the Mirror. According to the chef, the main secret is to prevent eggs from overheating.

You'll spoil everything: why you should never beat eggs before frying. Gordon Ramsay reveals the secret

Gordon Ramsay's step-by-step instructions for making the perfect scrambled eggs:

1. Crack six cold eggs into a deep saucepan.

2. Add butter to the pan.

You'll spoil everything: why you should never beat eggs before frying. Gordon Ramsay reveals the secret

3. Place the pot over high heat.

4. Stir the eggs and butter constantly with a silicone spatula. Do not beat with a whisk, making sure that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.

You'll spoil everything: why you should never beat eggs before frying. Gordon Ramsay reveals the secret

5. Remove the pan from the heat after 30 seconds, still stirring.

6. After about 10 seconds, put the pan back on the heat. Repeat these steps for the next three minutes.

You'll spoil everything: why you should never beat eggs before frying. Gordon Ramsay reveals the secret

7. Add salt and spices at the last minute.

8. For an extra creamy texture, add one teaspoon of cream cheese.

9. Serve and garnish with chopped onions

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