LS Food
You definitely cooked the meat wrong: tips that will change everything
Regardless of how much you like steaks or just meat dishes, you should know certain life hacks that significantly improve their taste. They also affect the softness of the cooked piece of meat, its structure, and appearance.
Mirror has figured out how to cook meat so that its taste will impress everyone. Now you will cook it only this way.
So, for example, before you start cooking chicken, you should let it come to room temperature. This way, the meat will cook evenly during the heat treatment. In cold meat, the muscle fibers will still be tense, making it difficult to distribute heat evenly throughout the meat. This can cause the meat to be overcooked on the outside and undercooked on the inside, or even burned.
Nevertheless, meat should not be refrigerated for more than two hours. This is due to the risk of developing harmful bacteria. And on a hot day, when the temperature outside exceeds 30 degrees, this figure is reduced to one hour.
There is also a great life hack for cooking bacon. It turns out that to fry bacon properly, you should put it in a cold pan and only then turn on the heat. Turn the heat to medium, allowing the bacon to cook slowly. When it starts to get crispy, flip the bacon from time to time to ensure even cooking. Usually, this whole process takes about 15 minutes.