
Without soaking and soda: how to quickly boil peas

Tetiana KoziukLS Food
How to speed up the cooking of peas. Source: Pixabay

Unfortunately, cooking peas is not the fastest process. But there are some tricks that can help speed it up considerably. You don't even have to soak them or use baking soda.

The FoodOboz editorial team has gathered information and will tell you how to speed up the cooking of peas.

How to quickly cook peas without soaking

Method 1

This method is ideal for making soup.

How to do:

1. Rinse the peas under running water, washing away dirt and debris.

2. Cover the washed peas with water or ready-made meat/vegetable broth. Put on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. Skim off the foam from time to time. After boiling, cook for 7 minutes.

How to cook peas for soup

3. Add 1\2 cups of water or broth to the pot, bring to a boil and cook for another 7 minutes.

4. After that, you can add vegetables, roast and cook the soup in the usual way.

Method 2

How and how long to cook peas

This method is not used so often, but many housewives say that it is no less effective. Thus, you should cook the legumes as you always do, but there is a nuance: peas are cooked in distilled water. In this case, they boil well and quick.

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