LS Food
Why you shouldn't eat mashed potatoes and how to cook potatoes correctly: an unexpected answer from an expert
The simplest and most satisfying potato dish is mashed potatoes. It is very easy to prepare: just finely chop and boil the potatoes until tender, mash them until smooth and season with sour cream or butter. However, it is worth noting that, according to experts, many useful vitamins and properties are lost when potatoes are boiled and fried.
Nutritionist Alina Sapiga explained on Instagram which form of potatoes is the healthiest and why mashed potatoes are not a healthy product.
"To get the most out of potatoes, it is best to cook them al dente, bake or boil them in their skins. It is also important to cool the finished product to preserve the resistant starch," the expert said.
The expert also noted that the worst way to cook potatoes is to fry them, because when heated above 120 C, the carcinogen acrylamide is formed from potato starch.
The darker the color of the browning, the more harmful it is.
As for mashed potatoes, the expert calls it a food for pleasure, not for health, because there is no benefit in mashed potatoes.
"Potatoes mashed to this state contain virtually no nutrients for the body, and adding sour cream/milk and butter to them significantly increases their caloric content," the nutritionist said.
How to cook potatoes correctly
"The perfect combination of baked potatoes in their skins or boiled in their skins with herring and sauerkraut. A simple, incredibly tasty and healthy dish," the nutritionist recommends.
How many potatoes can you eat a day
"As for the amount and frequency of consumption, the recommended portion is 200-250 grams several times a week," the expert summarized.