LS Food
Why mashed potatoes don't work: common mistakes that everyone makes
Making mashed potatoes seems to be a piece of cake: boil the potatoes, mash them, and you're ready to eat. But already in the process of cooking, housewives have many questions and problems. Such as the appearance of lumps or spoilage of the final taste. And all because even such a simple dish has its nuances that everyone should know about.
The FoodOboz editorial team will tell you about the main mistakes when cooking mashed potatoes, which were shared by chef Olha Matvii on her YouTube channel.
Mistake 1: You make it when you choose potatoes at the initial stage. There are many varieties of potatoes on the market, but it is important to pay attention to the starch content. It should be 13% or more. This means that the potatoes will boil much better when cooked. Therefore, it is best suited for mashed potatoes.
Mistake 2. You make this mistake when you put the potatoes directly into cold water. But all the starch from the potatoes will be completely boiled and the dish will have a very muffled flavor. Be sure to wait until the water in the pot boils.
Mistake 3: You make this mistake when you salt the potatoes at the very beginning before they boil. Salt should be added at the very end: 2-3 minutes before the end.
Mistake 4. You make this mistake when you leave the potatoes in the water after cooking. In this way, the potatoes begin to absorb water and will taste very watery. So you need to drain the water immediately.
Mistake 5. You make this mistake when you put butter and milk in the potatoes first, and only then start mashing. It is important to mash the potatoes yourself at the initial stage, when they have not had time to cool down.
Mistake 6: You make this mistake when you add cold milk. This will turn the potatoes gray-blue and make them look unappealing.